Dear David and Jason,
first of all thank you for the really quick response !
Since in this case it seems that there is really some memory
bug inside "mmpbsa_py_nabnmode" code, which might be not so "trivial"
to identify (or even to correct/solve) especially for the ordinary Amber
user as I am,
I am sending you relevant files off this mailing list to allow you i)
reproduce the issue which I reported ii) analyze the problem (for sure
1000% more effectively than I could).
Of course that on both mentioned machines we run 64bit Linux and
compilation was done
with these compilers:
gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) (GCC) (my machine)
gcc version 4.8.3 (Gentoo 4.8.3 p1.1, pie-0.5.9) (cluster)
using 64bit libs (if not there would be inter alia impossible that the
nmode first phase
(already after the initial minimization) is working for several hours with
24GB RAM requirements).
Regarding drms, that 0.05 was set just to not waste much time with
minimization and analyze the problem with nmode phase. I know that
recommended values you mentioned (i.e. at least 1e-6), but in case of
bigger systems it might be "killing" requirement ... so in such a cases I
am using 0.01.
The problem is that in the actual version of mmpbsa_py , all the work
(minimization + nmode) on the
given frame is done using just 1 CPU core (or even less if the
multithreading is activated).
So only way in the actual version how to overcome this "weakness" is
probably to minimize
selected snaps in parallel manner (before mmpbsa_py analysis) using sander
to reach drms 1e-6 or less in some acceptable time (especially for the
bigger molecular systems). Am I right ?
Anyway why exactly so low drms values (at least 1e-6) are recommended
before nmode analysis ?
I just for the curiosity did entropy analysis of much smaller complex
(1174 atoms):
a) with drms = 0.01
b) with drms = 1e-6
The mmpbsa_py results (TdS) for these cases are:
DELTA S total= -49.9888 9.2120
Total calculation time: 31.836 min.
Total normal mode calculation time: 16.327 min.
DELTA S total= -48.2373 8.3468
Total calculation time: 1.146 hr.
Total normal mode calculation time: 0.532 hr.
As we can see the results are quite similar (difference cca 2%) but the
time requirements
are here 2.2x higher in case b). The interesting point here is that for
better minimized
system (b) not only the initial minimization part lasted longer (which is
easy understable)
but also the "Total normal mode calculation time" is significanly (cca 2x)
longer here why ?
Just for the curiosity I started mmpbsa_py minimization with drms=1e-6
condition also in case of
my problematic big systems (cca 12k atoms), but I am afraid that it will
take week/(maybe weeks) to reach drms=1e-6 considering already known
times for reaching drms=0.01.
So thank you in advance for your help,
Best wishes,
Dne Tue, 10 Feb 2015 04:51:23 +0100 Jason Swails <>
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 8:28 PM, David A Case <>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 10, 2015, Marek Maly wrote:
>> >
>> > I am trying to do calculation of the entropic part of the binding
>> energy
>> > of my system (big protein + small ligand). Complex has 12819 atoms.
>> >
>> > I know it is pretty big system for such analysis but I have personal
>> > machine with 74GB RAM and also access to our brand new cluster with
>> > nodes having 130 GB RAM.
>> This looks like enough RAM.
> Agreed. The full Hessian takes (12819*3)**2 doubles -- roughly 11 GB.
> Since it's upper-triangular, so you need roughly half of this, but you
> need
> scratch space and space for the eigenvectors as well, but I can't imagine
> this blowing 74 GB, let alone 130 GB of RAM.
> I'd advise against running the system through mmpbsa: take a complex
>> structure
>> and see if you can minimize it "by hand" (i.e. using the NAB code).
> To put further support behind this suggestion -- the nab program
> computing
> normal modes is launched as a subprocess from a Python thread... I have
> no
> idea what, if any, restrictions get placed on the spawned subprocess as a
> result (my initial suspicion is 'none', but this is worth trying).
>> > MIN: Iter = 96 NFunc = 1492 E = -32142.52278 RMSG =
>> 4.6957045e-02
>> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> > END: :-) E = -32142.52278 RMSG = 0.0469570
>> >
>> > ----Convergence Satisfied----
>> >
>> > iter Total bad vdW elect nonpolar genBorn
>> > frms
>> > ff: 1 -32142.52 10756.97 -4400.07 -28725.03 0.00 -9774.39
>> > 4.70e-02
>> >
>> > Energy = -3.2142522781e+04
>> > RMS gradient = 4.6957044817e-02
>> > allocation failure in vector: nh = -1336854855
>> Not sure what is going on here (maybe Jason knows), but you will need
>> a much lower gradient than 0.04 to proceed...the gradient should at
>> least
>> be in the range of 10**-6 to 10**-8.
> I agree that 0.04 is too low. It's not a bad test (limits the time
> spent
> in minimization), but a stricter tolerance should be used for normal mode
> calculations. Did you change the drms value in the input file?
>> Once this is done, (if it can be), try a normal mode calculation. I'm
>> guessing the error above comes from line 1838 of nmode.c (but you could
>> use print statements or a debugger to be sure.) In some way, you have
>> to
>> figure out how a negative value for nh is being passed to the "vector()"
>> routine. This looks like integer overflow, but that should not be
>> happening.
> Except the vector constructor uses size_t, not int (and it looks to me
> like
> all the types in nmode.c are size_t that end up getting passed to
> vector(),
> too, so there's no implicit conversion that I see going on). My
> understanding is that size_t should not overflow for legal memory address
> ranges...
>> Is there any chance you are using a 32-bit OS or compiler?
> Can't if her program is already using 24 GB at some point... In any
> case,
> you would need at LEAST a 32 bit integer to even overflow back to -1.3
> bn.
>> Compile the following program and see what result you get:
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> int main(){
>> printf( "%zd\n", sizeof(size_t));
>> }
>> [However, no machine with over 70 Gb of RAM would have a 32-bit OS....]
> It *could*... only the first 4 GB would be addressable though :). For a
> long time Windoze machines would come with 8+GB of RAM loaded on a 32bit
> OS...
> All the best,
> Jason
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