> On Nov 30, 2014, at 6:47 AM, Nalini Chauhan <nalinichauhan.05.gmail.com> wrote:
> Respected Sir,
> I have been trying to install AMBER12 on a computer cluster using MPICH3.
> But everytime I am getting the same error .Here I am sending you log file
> of error which I am getting . Kindly look into it and please guide me.
This is not an Amber error, it is an MPICH error (whether it’s a broken build or some kind of runtime error resulting from non-permitted use is unclear to me, and I know nothing about your cluster). My guess is that this will happen with any MPI program you try to install and run on that cluster.
I suggest contacting the cluster administrators for help regarding the running of MPI programs in general, since they will be able to provide better help than us.
Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Nov 30 2014 - 05:00:02 PST