On Wed, Nov 12, 2014, LI An-Bang wrote:
> I used ambpdb to generate pdb and pqr files from .prmtop (there is chain
> ID information) and .inpcrd file, and find that options "-ext" and
> "-pqr" of ambpdb are exlusive.
Try using the attached ambpdb.F90 file in place of the on that is in
$AMBERHOME/AmberTools/src/etc. (Be sure to keep a copy of the original.)
Re-compile and give it a try...not tested, but it looks like it should
do what you want.
[Aside to Dan: (1) does cpp-ambpdb handle this combination? (2) add_pdb.F90
should be extended to include occupancy and B-factors from the original PDB
files...we have some upcoming uses for these.]
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Received on Fri Nov 14 2014 - 05:30:02 PST