[AMBER] nativecontacts in ambertools14

From: Asmita Gupta <asmita4des.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 22:33:31 +0530

Dear users,

  I am calculating contacts between a protein-protein complex in a
trajectory using nativecontacts command from ambertools14. In the manual,
it has been specified that the map file written has values normalized to
1.0 (can i assume it is from 0 to 1 depending on their lifetime occurrence
during trajectory??)

i have used this command:

nativecontacts :1-974 :976-1143 writecontacts p1_p2_contacts.dat distance
5.0 out p1_p2_cont_num.dat first name p1-p2 byresidue map mapout

in the map file, i am getting some values which are negative, and some are
way beyond 1.0..like-

 805.000 1095.000 -0.0525
 808.000 1095.000 -2.5484
 851.000 1095.000 -1.6074
 852.000 1095.000 -1.0348
 853.000 1095.000 -22.9172
 854.000 1095.000 -0.0344
 856.000 1095.000 -0.0190
 904.000 1095.000 -1.9920
 796.000 1143.000 13.4246
 797.000 1143.000 8.0078
 798.000 1143.000 1.6831
 799.000 1143.000 2.3897

I don't think these are normalized values and why negative values are
coming?? Can you please explain what's going wrong here..


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Received on Tue Nov 11 2014 - 09:30:02 PST
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