[AMBER] Which force field is "the best"

From: Gonzalo Jimenez <gonzalojimenezoses.gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2014 11:10:41 -0800

Dear Amber community,

Sorry for this probably very naive question, but since more and more force fields are being released and now that AMBER14 is available, I was wondering if the question “which is the best force field for proteins?” can be easily answered.
I have been using ff99SB and ff99SBildn for years, with very good results, but since ff02 and ff14 are now available, I wonder if there is one modern favorite or default force field to use these days.
Thanks in advance and have a good day,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Nov 09 2014 - 11:30:02 PST
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