On Mon, Aug 25, 2014, ammarah.ghaffar.comsats.edu.pk wrote:
> mkdir:cannot create directory '/usr/loacl/amber14/dat/pixmap': Not a
> directory
If the "loacl" above is not a typo (e.g. if you used copy and paste), then
it seems likely that this error is in your AMBERHOME variable, and you need
correct that.
If not, it's hard to understand how this could have happened. I'd suggest
starting again from scratch in a fresh directory tree. Be sure you have write
permissions in /usr/local/amber14.
Check if /usr/local/amber14/dat is indeed a directory or is a text file
with the content cited above.
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Received on Mon Aug 25 2014 - 05:30:02 PDT