[AMBER] Query regarding Amber Advance Tutorial 17

From: Kshatresh Dutta Dubey <kshatresh.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 11:54:51 +0300

Dear Users,

    I have some queries regarding Amber advance tutorial 17, umbrella

1- In the tutorial, section 2, there are three scripts, 0-90, 93-147 and
150-180 to generate several dihedral inputs for 0-180 degree. I am curious
to know whether one can generate a single script for 0-180 straightforward.
What was the need for three scripts for same task if we can do in a single

2- In the same script, I found that initial coordinate file for mdrun (for
pmemd.MPI) has taken randomly. For instance, for
initial coordinate is taken for dihedral.60, however script starts
simulations from dihdral.0 and similary for 'prepare_runs_93-147.perl,
initial coordinate is for dihedral.120 while it starts from dihedral.93
 and for last script i.e. prepare_runs_150....., it is totally confusing to
me that why we have taken initial coordinate from 03.equil.rst?

Thanks in advance

Kshatresh Dutta Dubey
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu May 29 2014 - 02:00:02 PDT
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