[AMBER] acetylated lysine - OXT

From: berin karaman <berinkaraman.yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 01:00:48 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Amber Users, I am trying to simulate a 7 residue peptide with acetylated lysine = TARKacSTG (peptide-full.pdb) First, I generated the prep file (ACK-ac-ext.prep)� for acetylated lysine part using antechamber with an extended molecule including acetylated lysine (ACK-ac-extended.mol2). Then with parmcheck I generated frcmod file. (ACK-ac-ext.frcmod). In xleap, I deleted the extended part of the acetylated lysine molecule and then put the right charges for each atom as stated in one paper. Then I imported the rest of the peptide residues (peptide-rest.pdb) and combined with the acetylated lysine molecule. I assigned the right atom types and so. Then I saved peptide.off and peptide.mol2 files. There is no error when I re-opened the peptide.However, I realise that amber converts the two ending of the peptide as in proteins. And for the -NH2 group in T residue it becomes as the -NH3 and amber assigns it like N-terminus and for the H-CO group in G residue H becomes OXT and amber assigns it like C-terminus Is it correct for peptides to simulate them like that ? Or should I delete those atoms assigned and manually correct them before the simulation ? If you can help me how to solve this problem and give me some hints if there is any easy way to simulate the acetylated lysine peptides, I would be very glad . Best regards, � Berin Karaman Medicinal Chemistry Institute of Pharmacy Martin-Luther-Universit�t Halle-Wittenberg Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Str. 4 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany

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Received on Fri May 16 2014 - 01:30:03 PDT
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