On Thu, 2014-02-20 at 09:09 -0600, Javier Alejandro Rendon Carrillo
> Hi DAC!
> I´ve working in the MMPBSA.py method using a DNA-Protein complex, im
> following this tutorial
> http://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial3/section2.htm , now i have a
> question after execute the pruduction
> run.x how i get the plots of the the
> density<http://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial3/files/prod_summary.DENSITY>
> , temperature<http://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial3/files/prod_summary.TEMP>
> , total energy<http://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial3/files/prod_summary.ETOT>
> and
> backbone RMSD<http://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial3/files/measure_prod_rmsd.ptraj>
> .
> should i use the same command line used before ./process_mdout.pl heat.out
> density.out equil.out
> what is the command line need to get the plots?
Those plots are generated using xmgrace, I believe. There are no
scripts bundled with that tutorial that create those plots automatically
as far as I know.
You can use the MdoutAnalyzer.py script instead of the process_mdout.pl
script if you wish to plot the results from an mdout file quickly.
Details are in the AmberTools 13 manual, but if you just run
MdoutAnalyzer.py <mdout> [<mdout2> [<mdout3> ... ]]
it will bring up a GUI that you can point and click around to plot
various data found in the mdout. You have to have numpy and matplotlib
installed to use this script.
Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Feb 20 2014 - 07:30:08 PST