On Sat, Jan 25, 2014, esther nehu wrote:
> I was following an Amber8 tutorial. I have downloaded the nuc.in and on
> running nucgen the following appears:
> unknown flag: nuc.out
> usage: nucgen [-O] -i ngin -o ngout -d ngdat -p pdbout.
> I dont understand where ive gone wrong. Can you tell me how to proceed?
Wow...Amber 8 is 10 years old, and the nucgen program was replaced many
releases ago. However, we can probably help *if* you give details
about exactly what you typed in running the nucgen program (what were the
command-line arguments)? Just saying "on running nucgen" does not provide
enough information.
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Received on Sat Jan 25 2014 - 07:00:03 PST