On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Thomas Evangelidis <tevang3.gmail.com>wrote:
> Dear AMBER list,
> How do I get this error at unrestrained NPT equilibration since I can load
> and visualize in VMD the prmtop and .rst file from NVT equilibration?
> The number of atoms in the .rst file is the same as in the .prmtop. Below
> is the configuration file I used in NVT.
This is a bug in tleap that results when you combine two separate molecules
using the 'bond' command in tleap. It is a bug in tleap that is known, but
has not yet been fixed.
There is a relatively simple workaround in either cpptraj or ParmEd (make
sure you have AmberTools 13 fully up-to-date).
Using ParmEd, try this:
parmed.py -p <your_prmtop> << EOF
loadRestrt <your_restart>
setMolecules solute_ions True
parmout <reordered_prmtop> <reordered_restrt>
reordered_prmtop and reordered_restrt should then work.
The error, in case you are curious, is that the SOLVENT_POINTERS and
ATOMS_PER_MOLECULE sections of the prmtop are structured under the
assumption that all of the molecules are composed of consecutive atoms.
However, if molecules 1 and 3 are combined via a 'bond' command in tleap,
then the atoms are not properly reordered to satisfy this assumption. This
results in a broken ATOMS_PER_MOLECULE section of the prmtop which can
later result in very strange errors (e.g., segfaults) in sander and pmemd.
Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Aug 18 2013 - 18:30:03 PDT