[AMBER] Error: Bad topology file. Sum of ATOMS_PER_MOLECULE does not equal NATOM.

From: Thomas Evangelidis <tevang3.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 02:17:50 +0300

Dear AMBER list,

How do I get this error at unrestrained NPT equilibration since I can load
and visualize in VMD the prmtop and .rst file from NVT equilibration?
The number of atoms in the .rst file is the same as in the .prmtop. Below
is the configuration file I used in NVT.

PS: the system contains a protein, 2 ligands, 1 CL- and SPC/E waters. I use
pmemd.cuda in every step.

Heating up the system equilibration stage 1 (NVT)
 nstlim=10000, ! Number of MD-steps to be performed.
 ntx=1, ! read coordinates but not velocities from the inpcrd file
 irest=0, ! this is not a simulation restart
 ntpr=100, ! print energy every 500 steps
 ntwr=500, ! write restart file (.restrt) every 5000 steps
 ntwx=500, ! save coordinates every 5000
 ntb=1, ! use periodic boundary conditions
 ioutfm=1, ! use binary NetCDF format for the coordinate and velocity
trajectory files (mdcrd, mdvel and inptraj).
! iwrap=1 does not work with NVT ! wrap coordinates into primary box

 tempi =100.0, ! If no initial velocities are provided, choose this as
the inital temperature.
 temp0=310.0, ! reference temperature at which the system is to be
kept, if ntt > 0
 ntt=3, ! Use Langevin thermostat.
 gamma_ln=5, ! Damping coefficient for Langevin dynamics in ps - 1.

 tautp=2.0, ! Time constant, in ps, for heat bath coupling for the
system, if ntt = 1
 ig=-1, ! The seed for the pseudo-random number generator

 ntp=0, ! not pressure coupling

 ntc=2, ! bonds involving hydrogen are constrained with SHAKE
 tol=1.0e-8, ! Relative geometrical tolerance for coordinate resetting
in shake
 jfastw=0, ! Use faster SETTLE instead of SHAKE for bonds belonging to
water molecules. Waters are identified by the default names

 ntf=2, ! ommit force evaluations for bond interactions involving
 nrespa=1, ! evaluate forces every step (only nrespa=1 supported by
 cut=9, ! Cut-off for vdW and electrostatic interactions.

 ntr=1, ! restrain specified atoms in Cartesian space using a
harmonic potential
 ntrx=1, ! format of the Cartesian coordinates for restraint
from the refc file (0:binary,1:ASCII)
 restraint_wt=200, ! the weight (in kcal=mol-Å^2) for the positional
restraints; a high value may be necessary
 restraintmask=':1-372.CA,C,O,N,H', ! string that specifies the
restrained atoms (backbone atoms in residues 62-82,152-162 restrained)


 skinnb=2.0, ! Distance between pairs of atoms for inclusion in pair
lists that are used to calculate vdW and electrostatic interactions.
 vdwmeth=1, ! Apply an analytical tail correction to the reported vdW
energy and virial that is equal to the amount lost due to switching and
        ! of the LJ potential.
! nfft1=intx , nfft2=inty, nfft3=intz ! The size of the fftw grid on each
 dsum_tol=1.0e-6, ! PME direct space tolerance.
 order=4, ! PME interpolation order.
 netfrc=1, ! Remove center of mass drift due to PME.

Thomas Evangelidis
PhD student
University of Athens
Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
157 71 Athens
email: tevang.pharm.uoa.gr
website: https://sites.google.com/site/thomasevangelidishomepage/
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Aug 18 2013 - 16:30:02 PDT
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