Re: [AMBER] GAFF atom type for CO

From: FyD <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 08:49:44 +0200

Dear Krisztina,

Do you want to perform atom typing for a molecular fragment?
For sure Antechamber will generate errors for the atoms with an open
R.E.D. Python performs atom typing for whole molecules as well as
their molecular fragments. I will send you a link for demonstration;
(frcmod & leaprc files are also generated).

So now, I think your best bet is to build a _dipeptide_ i.e. cap this
fragment with the ACE & NME chemical groups. Then, derive the charges
and build the force field library(ies) for the central fragment (and
may be the N-term & C-term fragments):
  & may be

You could do that in global approach with R.E.D. Server:
  and even all automatically from your dipeptide:

Here a limitation in R.E.D. Server is that a computation is
re-executed if a new input is generated; thus, in the global approach
a given input is generated several times; with R.E.D. Python this will
be far more efficient as the inputs are compared before execution, and
not re-ran if found identical.

Once you got the force field libraries generated by R.E.D. and/or
R.E.D. Server (mol2 file format: (or mol3 with
R.E.D. Python
with the connecting atoms defined) you can manually define the atom
types (using a script; See for instance the 'F-93' R.E.DD.B. project
and its LEaP script:

Last point: do you plan to incorporate this fragment in a protein
(from what I understand from the PDB file you sent)? this means you
need to use a FF for proteins (FF99SB? FF03?) and not GAFF...

regards, Francois

> I would like to assign GAFF atom types to diamino-pimelic acid (DAP)
> with Antechamber (see attahced pdb file), but the carbonyl carbons
> both on the backbone and on the sidechain as assigned &quot;c2&quot;
> atom types instead of &quot;c&quot;. I embedded DAP in a tripeptide
> to derive the atom types and tried both sqm from version 12 and
> divcon from version 9, with sqm being worse (assigned
> &quot;c1&quot;). I tried &quot;-j 5&quot; option and used -nc 1 for
> the charge. Is there any way to force an atom type or what is it
> dependent on?

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Received on Fri Jun 21 2013 - 00:00:02 PDT
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