Dear Jason and David,
Thank you for your detailed explanations.
First of all, concerning your following question;
> P.S. If you are modifying topology files by hand, all bets are off, and
> your problem could be anything. I highly suggest against modifying
> topologies by hand -- try using ParmEd instead. It has many options for
> customizing and modifying topology files in a way that should continue to
> work with Amber programs.
To modifying our topology files, I used Bond LeAP to make
bonds between Fe and His/O2 (this system is hemoglobin).
In the absence of these bonds, sander ran on our 32-core parallel
computer (in the presence of the bonds, this topo file did not
work on more than 8-core computers).
According to your suggestions, I have used ParmEd and have
found the following errors;
> setBond :83.NE2 :575.FE 60 2.01
> outparm
Outputting Amber topology file
MoleculeError: Molecule atoms are not contiguous!
These are input and output.
> This is a strange error, and one I've never seen with any of my systems.
> To me, what this implies is a strange topology. Since I don't know any
> details about how you created your topology file, I will simply provide as
> much information about what causes this error as I can.
As I showed you above, I made bonds between Fe and His/O2
in hemoglobin. If you could let me know the reasons of the results,
I would much appreciate it.
> (Did you try modifying the topology file yourself?)
As I showed you, I did not modify the files by hand.
> If you don't know which explanation is correct, try turning off constant
> pressure (if constant pressure wasn't on, then it's the first
> If the problem goes away after turning off constant pressure, I would
> venture to say it's probably the first.
> Also, try running the simulation with pmemd. If you still get problems
> with pmemd (I've gotten segfaults using topologies with a bad
> ATOMS_PER_MOLECULE section with pmemd), it's probably the second issue
> (since pmemd has a completely different parallel scheme). If pmemd works,
> it's probably the first issue.
Thank you for your detailed advises. Although I have not yet
tried these issues, I will do them, if these are needed to know
my current situations.
> If it's the second issue, there is a topology file 'doctor' of sorts
> packaged with AmberTools 12 called ParmEd. Having noticed that LEaP
> occasionally borks the ATOMS_PER_MOLECULE definition, I added a command to
> fix topology files that have this issue. Instructions for running ParmEd
> and the ParmEd GUI are in the AmberTools manual.
Can I ask weather this command means setBond
in ParmEd ?
Thank you again for your kind suggesttions.
best regards,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Apr 17 2012 - 06:00:04 PDT