[AMBER] AMBERHOME is not recognized by ./configure

From: Genzo Tanaka <gmastanaka.msn.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 18:15:12 -0400

I tried to install AmberTools12 on Mac OS X 10.7.3, and got an error of setting "AMBERHOME" in the tcsh shell. However, "echo" returned the correct directory as attached below. What is wrong with my setting?
I had the same message for AmberTools 1.5. In that case, the config.h file was created, and AMBERHOME was temporarily assigned to the correct directory during the compilation.
I would appreciate your help.
% echo $AMBERHOME/Users/genzotanaka/Downloads/amber12
 % sudo ./configure -macAccelerate gnuPassword:Checking for updates...Fatal Error: AMBERHOME is not set!Check for updates failed.
Your AMBERHOME environment variable is not set! It should be set to/Users/genzotanaka/Downloads/amber12 NOT doing so may cause errors when you compile.Configure failed due to the errors above!
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 04 2012 - 15:30:03 PDT
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