On Sun, May 29, 2011, Andrew Voronkov wrote:
> That was acutally cluster compilation, but I have used standarad:
> /cofigure gnu
> CC=gcc
> FC=gfortran
So, can you try to figure out where the "x86_64-alt-linux-gcc" comes from?
> >> -bash: x86_64-alt-linux-gcc:: command not found
What is the result of "which gcc" and "gcc --version"?
Note that the configure script checks that your version of gcc works, so it's
hard to see why it should fail later on in the process.
Also, is there a cgen.o file (or any *.o files) in
$AMBERHOME/AmberTools/src/nab? If so, be sure to get rid of them. Does the
same error happen with a clean installation (unpack the AmberTools-1.5.tar bz2
file in a completely new directory tree)?
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Received on Sun May 29 2011 - 11:00:04 PDT