Re: [AMBER] bond command in tlaep

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 08:23:14 -0700

Use "desc lig" to get a description of the ligand (and "desc lig.1", "desc
lig.2", etc. to get residue-specific details).

It looks like you may be getting the wrong residues (i.e. that residue 1
doesn't have C1, and residue 2 doesn't have O). You may also consider
putting a 1 at the end of the bond command as the bond order, but from the
usage statement that appears to be optional.

Hope this helps,

On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 6:20 AM, mish <> wrote:

> Hi all:
> I have a small question about the making bond between two residues in
> tleap.
> I have fucose (0fA) and methyl (OME) residue in the PDB file and want to
> make a bond between C1 of 0fA and O of OME. I cant change the oder residues
> in PDB because of some other reasons. I am trying to load the file and
> making a bond in between them by there is some error. Can any od you
> correct
> me please ? where as I am making a bond like source leaprc.GLYCAM_06
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> source leaprc.ff99SB
> lig=loadpdb lig1.pdb
> bond lig.1.C1 lig.2.O
> savepdb RSL lig_out.pdb
> saveamberparm lig lig.prmtop lig.prmcrd
> quit
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Its hows the eroor :
> bond: Argument #1 is type String must be of type: [atom]
> usage: bond <atom1> <atom2> [order]
> PDB file looks like :
> ATOM 3928 C1 0fA 268 -2.092 12.828 14.170 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3929 H1 0fA 268 -1.517 12.455 15.033 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3930 O5 0fA 268 -1.319 12.709 13.013 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3931 C5 0fA 268 -2.016 13.107 11.804 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3932 H5 0fA 268 -2.393 14.142 11.903 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3933 C6 0fA 268 -1.015 13.079 10.678 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3934 H61 0fA 268 -1.542 13.294 9.746 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3935 H62 0fA 268 -0.664 12.053 10.544 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3936 H63 0fA 268 -0.193 13.757 10.923 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3937 C4 0fA 268 -3.191 12.186 11.596 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3938 H4 0fA 268 -3.728 12.494 10.688 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3939 O4 0fA 268 -2.681 10.873 11.431 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3940 H4O 0fA 268 -2.193 10.624 12.216 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3941 C3 0fA 268 -4.119 12.270 12.824 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3942 H3 0fA 268 -4.378 13.333 12.934 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3943 O3 0fA 268 -5.299 11.488 12.700 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3944 H3O 0fA 268 -5.909 11.731 13.423 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3945 C2 0fA 268 -3.327 11.927 14.059 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3946 H2 0fA 268 -2.908 10.907 13.992 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3947 O2 0fA 268 -4.202 12.050 15.232 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3948 H2O 0fA 268 -4.712 12.857 15.177 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3923 H1 OME 267 -2.008 15.976 14.892 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3924 CH3 OME 267 -1.549 15.020 14.665 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3925 H2 OME 267 -0.960 14.655 15.500 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3926 H3 OME 267 -0.888 15.092 13.808 1.00 0.00
> ATOM 3927 O OME 267 -2.562 14.144 14.396 1.00 0.00
> Thanking You
> ..mish
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Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Candidate
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 01 2011 - 08:30:03 PDT
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