[AMBER] How to define twist angle with DOC?

From: Catein Catherine <askamber23.hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 12:26:44 +0800

Dear Sir/Madam,


I have done a torsion angle restrainst for a DNA base pairs to mimic the twist angle changing process. I define my twist angle as <1234






and set the restrainst as follows:


# angle restraint
&rst iat=1,2,3,4, r1=-180.0, r2=90.0, r3=90.0, r4=180.0, rk2 =70.0, rk3 =70.,


where igr1, igr2, igr3, igr4 is all the atoms (both heavy and hydrogen atoms) in base 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively.


I change the twist angle from -180 to 180.


As I am doing PMF, the twist angle changes during the tracjectory was dumped to the results files. When I open the result files, I found the angles has been changed accordingly, i.e. the when restrainst of 180 was used, the result file see ~180, when restrainst of -180 was used, the result file was around -180. Accordingly, expected results were obtained for others windows.


However, when I open the structures of the vmd, I found the base pairs did not flip around at all.


When I use ptraj to generate the average structures for 180 and -180 restrainst. They are almost the same. I used the accelyr to define the cetnroid atoms for igr1, igr2, igr3 and igr4, and monitor the torison angle of these centroid atoms. I found the torison angle are remain the same too.


Did I used the wrong way to define the twist angle based on DOC? Pls kindly comments.


Best regards,



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Received on Wed Aug 18 2010 - 21:30:03 PDT
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