I am new to NAB and am trying to compile program_8.nab in the example:
nab -O -c -v program_8.nab
which gives the following output:
cpp cmd: /programs/i386-linux/ambermd/10/bin/ucpp -l
-I/programs/i386-linux/ambermd/10/include program_8.nab
nab2c cmd: /programs/i386-linux/ambermd/10/bin/nab2c -nfname program_8.nab
cc cmd: icc -I/programs/i386-linux/ambermd/10/include -O -c program_8.c
icc: No such file or directory
cc failed!
This produces program_8.c but what is the next step?
Any advice on the proper syntax to use to compile this program would
be appreciated. Presumably I need to make a.out and just run that?
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Received on Thu Sep 17 2009 - 08:30:01 PDT