[AMBER] ACS computational chemistry awards - March 9th deadline

From: Carlos Simmerling <carlos.simmerling.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 11:27:18 -0500

Hi Amber users-
please excuse my off-topic post, but people usually don't mind hearing
about opportunities for money and recognition of their work and Amber
users have been recipients of these awards several times in the past.
The ACS COMP division gives awards for graduate students and junior
faculty attending the Fall ACS National Meeting in Washington DC.
Detailed info for both awards is given below.

Please forward the info on these awards to anyone that might be
interested and encourage your good students to apply!
Note that the deadline is soon - March 9th.

Fall 2009 ACS/CCG Excellence Graduate Student Travel Award – March 9 Deadline

The CCG Excellence Awards have been created to stimulate graduate
student participation in ACS COMP Division activities (symposia and
poster sessions) at ACS National Meetings. Those eligible for a CCG
Excellence Award are graduate students in good standing who present
work within the COMP program, either in oral or poster format. Winners
receive $1,150, as well as a copy of CCG's MOE (Molecular Operating
Environment) software with a one-year license. They are also honored
during a ceremony at the COMP Division Poster Session.

The awardees are chosen on the basis of the quality and significance
of the research to be presented, as well as the strength of the
supporting letter and other materials. All graduate students of the
Americas (North, South or Central) are encouraged to submit
applications. Awards will be given only to those individuals making
presentations, not co-authors.

To apply for an award for the ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC,
August 16-20, 2009, an extended abstract of the work (no more than 2
pages), a two page CV along with a letter of support from the research
advisor, and a personal statement (no more than 1 page) should be sent
as pdf or text files to carlos.simmerling.gmail.com

ON MARCH 9, 2009.

Applicants will receive email confirmation of receipt of materials. If
you do not receive confirmation by March 10, 2009, please contact the
organizer immediately by telephone (see below).

In addition, you must submit your normal poster abstract to the
"Chemical Computing Group Excellence Award" symposium on the OASYS
system (the COMP OASYS deadline is March 16th for the Washing DC ACS

More information on awards offered by the ACS COMP division can be
found on the web site at http://www.acscomp.org/Awards/index.html

Carlos Simmerling
Chair, ACS COMP Division Awards Committee

Professor, Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400

Fall 2009 HP Outstanding Junior Faculty Awards in Computational Chemistry

 The HP Outstanding Junior Faculty Award program provides $1,000 to
each of four outstanding tenure-track junior faculty members to
present their work in COMP symposia at ACS National Meetings. The
Awards are designed to assist new faculty members in gaining
visibility within the COMP community. Award certificates and $1,000
prizes will be presented at the COMP Poster session. While special
consideration will be given to Assistant Professors presenting work in
the area of algorithm and methods development, applications for HP
Outstanding Junior Faculty Awards are invited from all current
tenure-track junior faculty who are members of ACS and the ACS
Division of Computers in Chemistry. Postdoctoral researchers in
transition to faculty appointments may also be considered. Selection
criteria will include the novelty and importance of the work to be
presented, as well as the level of Departmental support as indicated
by a letter of support by the Chair or Chair designee.

To apply for an award for the ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC,
August 16-20, 2009, an extended abstract of the work (no more than 2
pages), a CV and the letter of departmental support should be sent as
pdf or text files to carlos.simmerling.gmail.com

ON MARCH 9, 2009.

Applicants will receive email confirmation of receipt of materials. If
you do not receive confirmation by March 10, 2009, please contact the
organizer immediately by telephone (see below).

In addition, you must submit your normal abstract to the "HP
Outstanding Junior Faculty Award" symposium on the OASYS system (the
COMP OASYS deadline is March 16th for the Washing DC ACS Meeting).
Note that this is an abstract for the poster presentation. We also
suggest that HP award applicants submit a separate abstract to OASYS
for an oral presentation, in addition to their poster abstract in the
HP award section (note that acceptance into the oral sessions is not

More information on awards offered by the ACS COMP division can be
found on the web site at http://www.acscomp.org/Awards/index.html

Carlos Simmerling
Chair, ACS COMP Division Awards Committee

Professor, Department of Chemistry
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400

AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Feb 22 2009 - 01:09:59 PST
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