Fw: AMBER: comparison of MD trajectories recorded with pmemd and sander

From: Robert Duke <rduke.email.unc.edu>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 12:20:40 -0500

Forwarding this again - another case of something not showing up in a timely
fashion... - Regards - Bob
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Duke" <rduke.email.unc.edu>
To: <amber.scripps.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: AMBER: comparison of MD trajectories recorded with pmemd and

> Hi Adrian and Therese,
> Yes, I agree with Adrian here too. I did think about one difference
> between pmemd 10 and sander 10 since sending out the last mail, that I
> should mention. This is completely documented, but not everyone reads the
> documentation. The difference has to do with the definition of molecules.
> All sander versions and all versions of pmemd except for version 10 take
> the molecule definitions from the prmtop and use them as-is. Doing this
> creates some serious problems when using an extra points forcefield,
> however, because it is possible to create a covalent bond between
> prmtop-defined molecules, and still regard the covalently bound complex as
> multiple molecules. What then happens is you have a scenario where the
> frame atoms associated with an extra point may actually be in more than
> one molecule. This really creates major parallelization problems, so I
> disallowed this behaviour if extra points are in use in amber 10. So in
> fact the default behaviour in pmemd 10 is now to check for covalent
> bonding between molecules, and treat any assemblage of atoms that is
> covalently bonded as one molecule. I think this is also more correct
> dynamically (say for NPT simulations, where there are pressure
> adjustments). At any rate though, this different definition of what is a
> molecule can create slightly different results in the NPT ensemble for
> systems where you have bonded molecules together (introducing a disulfide
> bridge between two separate peptide chains comes to mind). IF you want to
> mix and match with sander and pmemd 10, and have a system of this sort,
> you can suppress this different molecule definition behaviour as long as
> you are not using extra points by specifying in &cntrl:
> "no_intermolecular_bonds = 0". This is a small point, but as Adrian I
> think implies below, I tend to try to find the small points ;-)
> Best regards - Bob Duke
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Adrian Roitberg" <roitberg.qtp.ufl.edu>
> To: <amber.scripps.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 11:40 AM
> Subject: Re: AMBER: comparison of MD trajectories recorded with pmemd and
> sander
>>I will try to answer this in a slightly convoluted way.
>> Molecular dynamics trajectories are inherently chaotic. This means that
>> the trajectory is extremelly dependent on initial conditions.
>> A useful exercise to do is this:
>> Run an MD trajectory with the software, force, temperature and molecule
>> of your choice for X ns.
>> Run a second trajectory with ALL variables the same as above, but with a
>> the change in the coordinates of ANY atom in just one component (x,y or
>> z) by ONE unit in the last decimal place in your input file.
>> This is as minimal a perturbation as you can make.
>> Compare how long does it take for the two trajectories to 'diverge' from
>> each other in some measure (RMSD against each other, frame by frame for
>> instance). It usually takes around 5 picoseconds to get away by as much
>> as 0.5 A RMSD for 100 atoms.
>> Note that this is WAY shorter that the MD we run these days.
>> Now, let's ask your question:
>> Is trajectory 1 better or worse than trajectory 2 ?
>> Obviously, they are equally good (or bad ;-))
>> That said: yes, the trajectories coming from different programs are
>> homogeneous in your sense. You can run in one program for a bit, save
>> data and keep running on another. There is no basic problem with this.
>> Now for the catch:
>> For all the above text to be correct, you MUST get the same energy and
>> forces, to machine precision, if you take single structures and run them
>> in different programs.
>> So, can you take 1000 structures generated with sander and compute single
>> point energies and forces with the SAME input in pmemd and expect the
>> same values ? Absolutely, Bob Duke has worked hard to make this happen !
>> (he will answer shortly that this is not strictly true, but trust me, we
>> have checked)
>> Can you take 1000 structures generated with sander and compute single
>> point energies and forces with the SAME input in NAMD (using the same
>> amber force field) and SHOULD YOU expect the same values ? Absolutely !
>> Would you get the same values ? Good luck with that one !!!
>> I am pretty sure you would not ! The amber force field implementation in
>> namd is obscure at best, and there are some flags you need to set up in
>> the input to make it all work.
>> Just my 2.5 cents worth of advice for today
>> Adrian
>> � wrote:
>>> Dear Prof. Duke,
>>> I am sorry for having forced you to answer again to questions you
>>> already discussed in the past in the AMBER discussion list.
>>> The purpose of my mail is not to question the enormous work which was
>>> put into the pmemd development, and I am perfectly convinced that this
>>> program does bring certainly a lot to the AMBER package.
>>> But, I am concerned by the following problem. Molecular modeling studies
>>> are often based on the comparison of MD trajectories run with several
>>> conditions. In that way, two sander trajectories are recorded
>>> with different conditions and compared. If one trajectory is recorded
>>> with
>>> pmemd, and the other with sander, is the comparison still meaningful?
>>> Also, if one uses an additional trajectory recorded by CHARMM, GROMACS
>>> or NAMD with the AMBER force-field, will the pmemd trajectory be
>>> "closer" to the sander trajectory than the CHARMM, GROMACS or NAMD
>>> trajectory?
>>> If two trajectories are recorded with pmemd and sander starting from the
>>> same input, should we consider that they are no more different than
>>> two trajectories recorded with the same program (sander or pmemd) but
>>> using different initial velocities?
>>> Another question is: let one suppose that a trajectory was recorded
>>> using alternatively sander and pmemd for different time intervals, in
>>> the following way: some ns with pmemd, then restart with keeping
>>> velocities
>>> and then additional ns with sander. Should the complete trajectory
>>> obtained with these different interval be considered as an "homogeneous"
>>> trajectory which can be analyzed as a whole?
>>> I am sorry for insisting on these questions, but they are important for
>>> me in order to plan future calculations. I hope that I do not waste too
>>> much your time. Also, I realize that it is probably difficult to answer
>>> these questions, except by doing tests on each studied system, but I am
>>> just interested to read your opinion about these points.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Therese Malliavin
>>> Unite de Bioinformatique Structurale
>>> Institut Pasteur, Paris
>>> France
>>> On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, Robert Duke wrote:
>>>> Okay, this has been discussed a lot. PMEMD should replicate sander
>>>> results for a couple of hundred steps at least, unless you have an
>>>> unbelievably bad starting configuration with a couple of atoms on top
>>>> of each other (in which case some of the force gradients are huge and
>>>> the simulation is bad anyway). However, the thing with MD is that there
>>>> are on the order of millions, if not billions, of calculations per
>>>> step, including additions, and the thing about addition of floating
>>>> point numbers on computers is that it is not truly associative - the
>>>> order in which the additions are performed DOES matter, due to
>>>> truncation in the floating point representation of the number. So what
>>>> this means is that if you have an algorithm that is different AT ALL,
>>>> even in logically insignificant ways, there will be a rounding error,
>>>> and due to the nature of MD, this rounding error will rather quickly
>>>> grow. The main sources of difference between pmemd and sander are
>>>> probably the following: 1) a different splining function for the erf()
>>>> function in pmemd for some implementations (there is an optimization,
>>>> and pmemd is actually more accurate than sander), 2) workload
>>>> distribution differences running in parallel (which effect which force
>>>> additions will occur with net-limited precision of a 64 bit floating
>>>> point number), and 3) differences in the order of force additions
>>>> arising from differences in calculation and communication order. The
>>>> thing to note about rounding error - we are talking about a loss in
>>>> precision down around 1e-17 I believe - rather small. Now, the erf()
>>>> splining errors are probably closer to 1e-11 - probably the lowest
>>>> precision transcendental we have, but the other transcendental
>>>> functions are probably between these two numbers in precision (rough
>>>> guess, have not looked recently, and it will be machine-dependent).
>>>> Now all this junk does not really matter, because your calculation is
>>>> probably off by at least 1e-5 (actually much worse) based on precision
>>>> of forcefield parameterization, the fact that coulomb's law does not
>>>> really get electrostatics just right, the fact that (substitute here
>>>> the next force term generator) just right, ... And the standard
>>>> justification for not being disturbed by all this - the different
>>>> errors just mean that you sample different parts of phase space, and if
>>>> you run long enough, you will get it all (this last point is why I have
>>>> labored so long to make pmemd fast). Run your system on some other
>>>> software and you will see some more dramatic differences in phase space
>>>> sampling... Heck, just change the cutoffs a bit, the fft grid
>>>> densities, etc. etc. etc. I have gone on-and-on about this stuff for
>>>> the last several years on the amber reflector (see ambermd.org for
>>>> links), probably hitting different high and low points - perhaps worth
>>>> going back to look over, if you want the complete discussion. I always
>>>> jump on these questions, but am sort-of answering for Ross here because
>>>> I am 3 hrs closer to Europe and he is hopefully still asleep ;-)
>>>> Regards - Bob Duke
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Th�r�se Malliavin"
>>>> <terez.pasteur.fr>
>>>> To: <amber.scripps.edu>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:57 AM
>>>> Subject: RE: AMBER: launching a job works with sander.MPI and fail with
>>>> pmemd.MPI
>>>> Hi Ross,
>>>> Thank you for your mail. Finally, I tried to use AMBER 10 in place of
>>>> AMBER 9, and pmemd runs without any problem. Now, I have another naive
>>>> question. I already realized that pmemd runs significantly faster than
>>>> sander even on 4 processors. But, if I compare the results obtained
>>>> by sander and pmemd starting from the same system, as for example the
>>>> total energy, the two runs seem not to be so much correlated. So, I
>>>> would
>>>> like to know whether we have to expect that pmemd or sander should
>>>> produce
>>>> the same numbers if the runs start from the same system. The
>>>> differences observed come probably from a different architecture of the
>>>> two programs, could you please tell me little bit more about that?
>>>> Thank you for your help,
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Therese
>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008, Ross Walker wrote:
>>>>> Hi Therese,
>>>>> First thing to check. PMEMD when built in parallel (which I assume you
>>>>> did)
>>>>> is called pmemd, not pmemd.MPI. Hence you should be getting a file not
>>>>> found
>>>>> error - which in parallel may be masking itself as a lamboot failure.
>>>>> Also I would make sure you do the following to run cleanly in your
>>>>> script:
>>>>> export AMBERHOME=/foo/bar/amber10
>>>>> lamboot
>>>>> mpirun -np 4 $AMBERHOME/exe/pmemd -O -i ...
>>>>> lamhalt
>>>>> Then you can nohup the entire script. You should probably make sure
>>>>> you kill
>>>>> any existing lambood or lamd instances on your machine first though
>>>>> since
>>>>> some will probably be left over from earlier runs. You should also
>>>>> make sure
>>>>> that pmemd was built with the same version of lam as your mpirun
>>>>> refers to.
>>>>> Makes sure you run the test cases:
>>>>> export DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 4'
>>>>> lamboot
>>>>> cd $AMBERHOME/test/
>>>>> make test.pmemd
>>>>> lamhalt
>>>>> Good luck,
>>>>> Ross
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: owner-amber.scripps.edu [mailto:owner-amber.scripps.edu] On
>>>>>> Behalf
>>>>>> Of Th�r�se Malliavin
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 6:42 AM
>>>>>> To: amber.scripps.edu
>>>>>> Cc: terez.pasteur.fr
>>>>>> Subject: AMBER: launching a job works with sander.MPI and fail with
>>>>>> pmemd.MPI
>>>>>> Dear AMBER Netters,
>>>>>> I have a question about the use of PMEMD. It is probably a trivial
>>>>>> question, but, as I did not find an answer neither on the Web pages
>>>>>> neither in the manuals, I am asking it to you.
>>>>>> I am doing the parallel calculations with sander.MPI using a lamd
>>>>>> deamon
>>>>>> and the command nohup to launch the job, so I am doing:
>>>>>> . /Bis/shared/centos-3_x86_64/etc/custom.d/amber9_intel8.1_lam-
>>>>>> 7.1.2_intel-8.1.sh
>>>>>> lamboot
>>>>>> before starting the AMBER calculations. The typical command line for
>>>>>> sander.MPI is then:
>>>>>> mpirun -np 4 ${AMBERHOME}/exe/sander.MPI -O -i mdr1.in -o
>>>>>> mdr1.out -inf
>>>>>> mdr1.inf -x mdr1.crd -c eq7.rst -p prmtop -r mdr1.rst
>>>>>> But, if I replace in the command line sander.MPI by pmemd.MPI:
>>>>>> mpirun -np 4 ${AMBERHOME}/exe/pmemd.MPI -O -i mdr1.in -o
>>>>>> mdr1.out -inf
>>>>>> mdr1.inf -x mdr1.crd -c eq7.rst -p prmtop -r mdr1.rst
>>>>>> I get an error saying that lamboot was not started.
>>>>>> I am trying to do these calculation on an 64 bits 8-proc Linux
>>>>>> machine,
>>>>>> running under centos-3. The lam used is the version 7.1.2_intel-8.1.
>>>>>> Also, I am only using features which should exist in PMEMD according
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> the AMBER manual.
>>>>>> Do you have any idea what I could check or what to find information
>>>>>> to fix
>>>>>> this problem?
>>>>>> Thank you in abvance for your help,
>>>>>> Therese Malliavin
>>>>>> Unite de Bioinformatique Structurale
>>>>>> Institut Pasteur, Paris
>>>>>> France
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>> --
>> Dr. Adrian E. Roitberg
>> Associate Professor
>> Quantum Theory Project
>> Department of Chemistry
>> Senior Editor. Journal of Physical Chemistry
>> American Chemical Society
>> University of Florida PHONE 352 392-6972
>> P.O. Box 118435 FAX 352 392-8722
>> Gainesville, FL 32611-8435 Email adrian.qtp.ufl.edu
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Received on Fri Dec 19 2008 - 01:10:11 PST
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