On Fri, 16 Feb 2007, Steven Winfield wrote:
> I've got a fully patched AMBER 9, compiled with g95 and running under
> the latest version of cygwin (with everything in the Base category
> installed) on a WindowsXP machine. I started to perform the tests (make
> test.serial in the test directory) but, after each test, something
> similar to the following is printed:
> *********
> $ make test.serial
> cd dmp; ./Run.dmp
> ../dacdif: line 46: getopts: `mdout.dmp.save': not a valid identifier
> Usage: ../dacdif [-k] [-s] [-t {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [-v] [-w]
> original_file new_files
> Has anyone else experienced this? I can't find anything similar in the
> mailing list archive.
Try a full cygwin installation.
The problem may be that your cygwin installation has getopts
as opposed to getopt; it is the latter that is used in dacdif.
For a similar problem see
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Received on Sun Feb 18 2007 - 06:07:36 PST