Thanks for your help.
When I type: mount /dev/sda /mnt/external
it says: mount: you must specify the filesystem type
What's the problem? Thanks!
Florian Haberl <> wrote: hi,
On Thursday, 15. February 2007 20:53, Esther Brugger wrote:
> Dear all,
> I met a problem about the computer. I saved my previous AMBER results in
> an external hard drive. Now I am using another PC to deal with the data in
> the Fedora Core4 Linux system. But I found I couldn't mount this external
> drive under this system. Is there somebody know how I can read these
> files?? Thanks a lot for your any help!
this is more a linux related question.
Normally fedora or suse should automount external (usb or firewire devices).
If it dont work try following:
- Plug in and switch the harddisk on
- Take a look at dmesg (su and then dmesg) to see if your pc knows the
- Manual mount your harddisk (something like mkdir /mnt/usbhd
mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/usbhd)
> Esther B.
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Florian Haberl
Universitaet Erlangen/ Nuernberg
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Esther B.
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Received on Sun Feb 18 2007 - 06:07:34 PST