Z. Nevin Gerek wrote:
> We do have a fully working version of amber compiled on linux cluster. I
> copied the source code to imac (mac osx Intel machine). When I try to
> compile the code, I am getting this kind of error:
> Starting installation of Amber9 (serial) at Wed Feb 7 10:09:12 MST 2007.
> cd lib; make install
> g95 -o new2oldparm new2oldparm.o nxtsec.o
> ld: new2oldparm.o bad magic number (not a Mach-O file)
> ld: nxtsec.o bad magic number (not a Mach-O file)
This is just an initial guess, but try a "make clean" before the "make"
on the mac. It's possible that you may have copied over some i386/x86_64
object files from the linux cluster and these may be breaking the
build/linking process on the mac. I do not know offhand if compiled
object files on an i386 can be linked to other object files compiled on
a mac that uses an Intel processor, hence this "make clean" is playing
it safe.
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