Hi, I ran into a problem with the parallel installation. I am using a
downloaded binary copy of g95. Here is part of my cshrc file:
### amber 9 ###
setenv AMBERHOME ~/amber9
set path = ( $path $AMBERHOME/exe )
setenv MPI_HOME /opt/lam/intel
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${MY_LD_PATH}:${MPI_HOME}/lib:${MPI_HOME}/include
I got the following error message after typing ./configure -lam ifort_ia32:
../lmod/lmod.a ../lapack/lapack.a ../blas/blas.a \
../lib/nxtsec.o ../lib/sys.a -L/opt/lam/intel/lib
-L/opt/lam/intel/lib -llammpio -llamf77mpi -lmpi -llam -lutil -ldl
../lmod/lmod.a(xmin.o)(.text+0x7): In function `xmin_':
: undefined reference to `_g95_get_ioparm'
../lmod/lmod.a(xmin.o)(.text+0xc): In function `xmin_':
Do I need to recompile g95 with the intel compilers on this machine? Thanks.
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