Re: AMBER: bad atom type: H

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 08:09:17 -0700

On Wed, Jun 15, 2005, alice wrote:
> I use sander in amber7, and found the error "bad atom type: ca", I look up
> the mailling list and fix the amber7 with bugfix.7.
> and no "bad atom type: ca" error, but new error is "bad atom type: H".

First, be sure that your system works when gbsa=0. That will help see if
there are any other problems in the setup.

According to the logic in mdread.f, the error above should not be able to
occur: the program only prints "bad atom type" after it has checked to see
if it is begins with "H". There may some memory overrun, but I would ask you
to double check that you have reported the *exact* error message.


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