AMBER: compiler

From: Zhang Bing <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 19:13:19 +0800

Dear all:


We want to install amber8 on our machines, which is equipped with 64-bit
AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 246 and Npaci Rocks 3.3 Linux (just based on
Redhat Linux), and only have Pathscale compiler suite now. Tried to
install amber8 with this configuration, but did not work out, so we are
planning to buy a new compiler; Following is something on a quotation
offered by some vendor. Would you kindly give me some advice of it? I
don't know which one is the most suitable for our installation:


Intel Fortan Compiler 8.1 for Linux;


Inter C++ Compiler 8.1 for Linux


VTune Performance Analyzer 3.X for Linux;


Intel Cluster Math Kernel Library 7.2 for Liunx;


Intel Integrated Performance Primitives 4.1 for Linux



Any advice will be appreciated.



Zhang Bing




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