Re: AMBER: nucgen problem

From: Carlos Simmerling <>
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 15:34:17 -0400

doesn't the residue name format have to be (A4,1x)?
I am not sure if that makes a difference but your file looks like (A4)
carlos wrote:

>1)I have pasted the input file which i gave to nucgen for 12mer.
> NUC 1
>G5 C A A A A T T T T G C3
> NUC 2
>C5 G T T T T A A A A C G3
>2)Sir reg. my second question i have attached the pdb file here (GCAT). i
>could understand that the numbering given by insightII is the problem
>when it is read in xleap.can anyone help me in solving it.i used
>Thank You,
>On 6/7/2005, "David A. Case" <> wrote:
>>On Tue, Jun 07, 2005, wrote:
>>>1) i constructed a 12mer DNA duplex using 'nucgen' program. the program
>>>runs fine and it has successfully created the pdb file but when i view
>>>the pdb file, overlapping of bases is seen at some base pairs, 4 out of
>>>12 base pairs, it occurs in both GC and AT pairs, can anyone suggest
>>>what could be the reason for this and how i can avoid it.
>>Can you post your nucgen input?
>>>2) i constructed a B-DNA duplex (10 mer) in insightII and i loaded in
>>>xleap after deleting all hydrogens, but xleap adds one phosphite at the
>>>5' positions of both the strands, can anyone help in solving this
>>Which leaprc file did you load? What is the residue name in the pdb file
>>at the 5' position?
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Received on Tue Jun 07 2005 - 20:53:00 PDT
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