AMBER: nucgen problem

From: <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 19:11:27 +0530


i have two questions on constructing pdb files

1) i constructed a 12mer DNA duplex using 'nucgen' program. the program
runs fine and it has successfully created the pdb file but when i view
the pdb file, overlapping of bases is seen at some base pairs, 4 out of
12 base pairs, it occurs in both GC and AT pairs, can anyone suggest
what could be the reason for this and how i can avoid it.

2) i constructed a B-DNA duplex (10 mer) in insightII and i loaded in
xleap after deleting all hydrogens, but xleap adds one phosphite at the
5' positions of both the strands, can anyone help in solving this

thanks in advance,
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