try starting with a larger box and then equilibrating the sovent while
restraining the protein (at constant P, check the archives since people
ask this often about water boxes).
Anthony Cruz wrote:
>Hi user:
>I try to solvate my protein with the acetonitrile model in
> I download ch3cn_210.pdb, prep.ch3cn and
>frcmod.ch3cn. I load ch3cn_210.pdb (mecn=loadpdb ch3cn_210.pdb), prep.ch3cn
>(loadAmberPrep prep.ch3cn) and frcmod.ch3cn (loadAmberParams frcmod.ch3cn) in
>leap and the I try to solvate my protein solvateBox protein mecn 8.0. When I
>see the results the protein was not solvated completely, their is some empty
>spaces between the solvent. How I could solvate the protein???
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