Re: AMBER: extracting energy from trajector?

From: David Smith <>
Date: 29 Nov 2004 17:54:53 +0100

As I recall minsteps is an option to and not I
think the default behaviour on is to set minsteps to 0
anyway. I guess that with minsteps=0 would do the same thing
although I never tried it. The -log option will keep the amber outputs
so you can really see what its doing. This is usually a good idea until
you're sure how the black box is really behaving.

Good luck.

Dr. David Smith
Division of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Bijenicka 54
10002 Zagreb, Croatia
tel: +385-1-4561252
fax: +385-1-4561118
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Received on Mon Nov 29 2004 - 17:53:00 PST
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