Re: AMBER: combine crd files

From: Furse, Kristina Elisabet <>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 17:42:09 -0600

ptraj will do it.



> Hello, Amber:
> Is there any way to combine the .crd files into one file? I have serveral
> runs from the same protein model. I would like to combine them into one
> file. So it will be easy to look at them together with VMD. I checked the
> mail list. A few people asked the same question before. But I can't find
> the answer from the mail reflector.
> Can anyone give me some suggestions?
> Thank you very much.
> Bo

Kristina E. Furse
Department of Chemistry
Center for Structural Biology
Vanderbilt University
Email: kristina.e.furse.Vanderbilt.Edu
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Received on Fri Nov 26 2004 - 23:53:00 PST
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