Hi developed some time ago a program to extract info from amber md and
min runs. It uses gnuplot to produce the graphics, but can also save the
data in plain ASCII columns, which I am sure can be imported in excel
quite easily. The link is plotamber.sf.net
bybaker.itsa.ucsf.edu said the following on 11/23/04 17:23:
> Hello, Amber:
> I use the command of ‘perl process_mdout.perl md1.out’ to generate the
> summaries from one Amber md run. I would like to plot them with Excel or
> Prism programs. The files' format can not be recognized by either of
> these programs. I don’t have ‘xmgr’. If I manually delete the time
> points, it takes a long time and easy to make mistakes. Can any one
> suggest me how to convert these files into the files that can be used for
> Excel?
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Regards
> Bo
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Luis Gracia, PhD
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