Dear Amber users,
We are having difficulties in running xleap interface on our PC-computers.. We
think it is not a problem related with paths or enviroment variables because
when typing xleap the window is launched but the buttons and the menu options
do not work when clicking on them (inside menus do not appear...). The other
Amber7 programs run without problems.
Have you got any idea?
Thank you very much in advance!!!
Some information;
We use PC machines with LINUX SuSE 9.0 on all of them.
- 2 servers (2 processor/machine)
Intel P-IV Xeon 1,7 GHz.
Intel P-IV 3,06 GHz.
- 2 Ordinary PC's (1 Processor/machine)
Intel P-IV 1,7 GHz.
Amber7 was compiled with Intel Fortran Compiler 7 in all cases.
Surprisingly we have not this xleap problem with our SGI-Octane machine (IRIX
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