On Fri, Nov 05, 2004, Joe Nolan wrote:
> Currently I am having trouble installing Amber7 on
> a Sun Blade-2500 running Solaris9 with dual
> UltraSPARCIIIi processors.
> As for compilers we run the GNU GCC package (c,
> c++, G77) but for our SPARC installation we are using
> a temporary trial of NAGWare's F95 compiler to perform
> the necessary F90 compilation. The error I recieve is
> as follows:
> Error: _nxtsec_.f, line 311: No data-edit descriptor
> for effective item
If you actually want to compile and run Amber, I suggest you choose
Machine.g77. Or, use Machine.sparc if you have Sun's compiler. Note that
amber7 does not require an f90 compiler.
If you want to see every feature of Amber that NAGWare's compiler finds, you
can fix each of the errors and continue compiling. Also try adding the
following flags to the compilation:
-w -dcfuns -dusty -mismatch -maxcontin=100
Those flags have been reported to work with the NAG compiler on the Macintosh
OS, and may work for you; ("-dusty" is my guess to be the key one).
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Received on Fri Nov 05 2004 - 16:53:00 PST