AMBER: Amber7 compilation error

From: Joe Nolan <>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 07:17:39 -0800 (PST)

Dear amber community,
    Currently I am having trouble installing Amber7 on
a Sun Blade-2500 running Solaris9 with dual
UltraSPARCIIIi processors.
    As for compilers we run the GNU GCC package (c,
c++, G77) but for our SPARC installation we are using
a temporary trial of NAGWare's F95 compiler to perform
the necessary F90 compilation. The error I recieve is
as follows:

cd lib; make install
.../Compile L2 -P new2oldparm.f
cat new2oldparm.f | /lib/cpp -P -DSPARC -DMEM_ALLOC
> _new2oldparm_.f
f90 -c -fast -O3 _new2oldparm_.f
Unrecognised option -fast passed to ld
Warning: _new2oldparm_.f, line 400: Unused symbol
         detected at END.<end-of-statement>
Warning: _new2oldparm_.f, line 400: Unused symbol
         detected at END.<end-of-statement>
[f95 continuing despite warning messages]
Obsolescent: _new2oldparm_.f: Fixed source form
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 68: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 74: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 110: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 116: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 122: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 128: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 134: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 140: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 146: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 152: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 158: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 164: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 212: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 218: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 224: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 268: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 276: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 338: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 356: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 374: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
Extension: _new2oldparm_.f, line 382: Scale factor
followed by repeat count
.../Compile L0 -P -DNEWPARM nxtsec.f
cat nxtsec.f | /lib/cpp -P -DNEWPARM -DSPARC
-DMEM_ALLOC > _nxtsec_.f
f90 -c -O1 _nxtsec_.f
Warning: _nxtsec_.f, line 327: Unused local variable
         detected at END.<end-of-statement>
Warning: _nxtsec_.f, line 327: Unused local variable
         detected at END.<end-of-statement>
Warning: _nxtsec_.f, line 327: Unused local variable
         detected at END.<end-of-statement>
[f95 continuing despite warning messages]
Obsolescent: _nxtsec_.f, line 1: Fixed source form
Error: _nxtsec_.f, line 311: No data-edit descriptor
for effective item
[f95 error termination]
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target
Current working directory /usr/local/amber7/src/lib
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `install'

Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thank you
kindly for your invaluable resources!
Msgr. E. Joseph Nolan IV

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Received on Fri Nov 05 2004 - 15:53:01 PST
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