AMBER: Intel Fortran Compiler, 7.1 status

From: Robert Duke <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 11:32:49 -0400

Folks -
Just so everyone knows, I just got notification that Intel does not intend
to fix their latest internal compiler error bugs in ifc 7.1. This means if
you pick up any later releases of ifc 7.1, you will continue to have
problems building pmemd. There is a workaround - compile ew_setup.f90 at a
lower optimization setting (whack the pmemd/src Makefile in amber 8 or the
src.pmemd/pmemd Makefile in pmemd 3.1). I would recommend doing this as a
last resort; otherwise just stick with ifc 7.1.038, which seems to work.
Regards - Bob Duke

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