Check your input file, it looks like you requested a binary
trajectory file. You can probably still salvage it via ptraj/carnal.
On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 03:11, John wrote:
> Hello All,
> I successfully completed a 500ps production MD. The pdb file I created using
> the rst file looks reasonable in VMD. When I tried to use the trajectory
> file VMD could not read the file. After opening it I realised that it has
> been totally corrupted and has nothing to do with a normal molecular
> dynamics trajectory file. Here are some ghastly details of the file: " =.
> 7¿ÐrU0.9¡¯p¨XA.~VÌö~B¥Ð:.^Dq>&âÕ2.\0¬^\Sy..~X^L=ÖåÍ:.~U%~O_ð~K2.Á/~YX®ZA.à<'
> jCM:.~IÒ^"
> Any idea what is the cause of this?
> Many thanks for your help.
> Best wishes,
> John
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Received on Tue Jan 27 2004 - 18:53:16 PST