Dear Scott, Dear Amber users,
Thanks a lot for this kind help.
I have successfully built Amber with LAM-MPI and it's likely I can run
parallel sander jobs
if I can boot LAM( I now have problem with this).
Thanks a lot again to everyone who helped me with the problems.
Best regards
Takanori Kanazawa
Scott Brozell <>
2003/08/05 08:58
To: Takanori Kanazawa/PH/Novartis.PH
$B7oL>(B: Re: AMBER7 & mpich : (no-attachment version)
I no longer have the previous emails, but I noticed that your mpi error
message came from LAM-MPI not MPICH.
You should determine the correct path for the MPICH mpirun command
or build Amber with LAM-MPI.
Scott Brozell
On Tue, 5 Aug 2003 wrote:
> Thanks a lot to everyone who responded to my question.
> Yes, I do have the input file. And the problem is not fixed yet.
> I would greatly appreciate any further comments or suggestions.
> Best regards,
> Takanori Kanazawa
> Script started on Tue Aug 5 01:36:10 2003
> clddc 41> ls -al gbin
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