AMBER: running AMBER on an IBM P690 cluster

From: Vlad Cojocaru <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 19:46:30 +0200

Dear Amber users,
    I am wondering if somebody is running AMBER on a p690 IBM cluster. I
encountered a problem. My jobs (submitted as batch) are systematically
killed without any error message just that the jobs were killed. This is
recently because in the past I ran the same jobs on the same cluster
without any problem. I want to ask you if somebody has ever encountered
the same problem. I spoke with system administrators and they could not
identify the problem, they also sent the problem to IBM which is also
not capable of tracking this. There were some modifications (upgrades)
to the system and it seems that this caused this problem.
    I have to mention that the jobs run properly when running them
interactively without using the batch system.
   If somebody has ever encounter this problem and has any suggestions
of how to fix this please let me know.
Best wishes,

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