Amber7 on Opteron

From: Florian Barth <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 12:46:32 +0200


I just received an AMD Opteron testing system and would like run some
amber benchmarks on it. Does anybody have a working MACHINE file or at
least some hints how to install amber7 in 64 bit mode on this machine?
Of course I will start with the 32 bit version but it would be nice to
have some comparison with 64 bit.
Thank you very much in advance.


        Florian Barth


Florian Barth
Institute of Technical Biochemistry
University of Stuttgart
Allmandring 31
70569 Stuttgart
phone: +49-711-6853811
fax: +49-711-6853196
Received on Thu Jul 10 2003 - 12:53:01 PDT
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