AMBER7 on linux cluster

From: Venkata S Koppuravuri <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 12:49:06 -0400 (EDT)


I am a new user of AMBER7 on a LINUX cluster. When I tried to give a
simple equilibrating job to the cluster using 4 nodes and 2 pps on each
node I got the following error message

mpiexec: Warning: main: task 4 died with signal 15.
mpiexec: Warning: main: task 5 died with signal 15.

All the output files are empty.

Can anyone help me what the problem could be.
(I did the minimization on an SGI machine using Amber5. i then transfered
the output files to the cluster and tried to do equilibration. Cluster
uses AMBER7 . Hope this does not create a problem).

Received on Tue Jun 17 2003 - 17:53:02 PDT
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