Re: May I get you help from new user of amber?

From: Satish Mummadi <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 20:58:54 +0530 (IST)


as far as xmkmf is concerned..
You need to have the X windows compilation utilities installed....
i hope u will find info reg X11 Requirements in src/leap/0README.

also check for man page of xmkmf.

one solution is ..
u need to have the path for xmkmf. it is supposed to be in usr/X/bin..or
in the path where X is installed in your system and edit the script which
gave you the error "xmkmf not found.."

as xmkmf is a tool to create makefile from Imakefile, if you still have
trouble finding can use Imake.
"imake -DUseInstalled -I/<PATH where X is installed >"


Satish Kumar,
Bioinformatics Applications,
Scientific & Engineering Computing Group,
National PARAM Super Computing Facility Bldg,
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,
Pune University Campus, Pune, India.
e-mail : satishm(at)

On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Wu Yingliang wrote:

> Dear,
> Much sorry to disturb you by this email.
> I am a new user of amber7 which I got last week. There are some difficulties during amber7 installing in the Red Hat Linux 9 of my PC, and I expect your warm-hearted help. The questions are as following:
> 1> unpack step: "gunzip -c amber7.tgz | tar xvf-" can not be run, my pc displays "tar: old option 'f' requires an argument ".
> Then I did it by "gunzip -c amber.tgz | tar xv-". And amber7 was unpacked successfully. However, I am not sure whether amber7 will run correctly.
> 2> after unpacking, there is no directory "$AMBERHOME" in the installing manual, which I need create? Or and it refers to amber7 which needs to rename? Directories of "test", "src" etc. in the path "usr/amber7".
> 3> During setting up $AMBERHOME environment variable:
> Using csh, tcsh, etc: setenv AMBERHOME /usr/local/amber7
> There is no command "setenv" in Red Hat Linux 9, then I use "set" command instead of "setenv", there is effect on successful installing ?
> 4> After compiling everything, programs of leap, nmode and antechamber can not be tested, some messages display
> cd leap; xmkmf
> /bin/sh: line 1: xmkmf: command not found
> make: *** [install] Error 127
> Looking forward to getting your help!
> Thank you very much in advance!
> Best Regards,
> Wu Yingliang
> 2003-06-09
> ==================================
> College of Life Sciences
> Wuhan University
> Wuhan 430072
> China
> Email:
> ==================================
Received on Mon Jun 09 2003 - 16:53:01 PDT
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