Hi all,
I am new to the AMBER system and wanted to run the methane tutorial but
that didn't work. When entering the sander command
% sander_classic -O \
-i min.in \
-p mebox.top \
-c mebox.crd \
-o min.out \
-r min.rst
the program complained:
Error 1092: variable not in NAMELIST group
Location: the READ statement at line 735 of "_mdread_.f"
Unit: 5
File: min.in
Abort (core dumped)
although all files existed and were readable. The error was persistent for
Solaris 8/f90 as well as Linux 2.4/g77. Does anyone know what's happening
Thanks in advance,
Andreas Kerzmann
PS: How do I subscribe to the list? The web page says "send email to ...".
Is it really that simple? Arbitrary email? Or do I need to put something
like "subscribe" in the body?
Andreas Kerzmann phone +49-681-302-64709
Center for Bioinformatics fax +49-681-302-64719
Received on Fri Aug 09 2002 - 01:47:53 PDT