Re: amber on MAC OSX

From: Tru <>
Date: Mon 10 Jun 2002 11:18:03 +0200

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 03:29:58PM -0400, Randy M. Wadkins wrote:
> Hi David:
> I'm not the expert on g77, but it looks like an internal error.
> Here's the output from the Make script:
> cd gibbs; make install
> ../Compile L2 -P -DNOEWALD force.f
> cat force.f | cpp -traditional -P -DNOEWALD -DLinux > _force_.f
> g77 -c -O3 -fno-globals -ff90 -funix-intrinsics-hide _force_.f
> /var/tmp/ccEhaaaa.s:1554:Invalid form of the instruction (RA must not
> the same as RT)
> *** Error code 1

I can have it compiled without error by hand here with gcc-3.1 (rebuilt from source)

[milou:amber7/src/gibbs] guest% pwd
[milou:amber7/src/gibbs] guest% ../Compile L2 -P -DNOEWALD force.f
[milou:amber7/src/gibbs] guest% cat force.f | cpp -traditional -P -DNOEWALD -DLinux > _force_.f
[milou:amber7/src/gibbs] guest% g77 -c -O3 -fno-globals -ff90 -funix-intrinsics-hide _force_.f

[milou:amber7/src/gibbs] guest% g77 -v
Reading specs from /Users/guest/tru/root/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-apple-darwin5.4/3.1/specs
Configured with: ../gcc-3.1/configure --prefix=/Users/guest/tru/root --enable-languages=c,f77 : (reconfigured) ../gcc-3.1/configure --prefix=/Users/guest/tru/root --enable-languages=c,g77 : (reconfigured) ../gcc-3.1/configure --prefix=/Users/guest/tru/root --enable-languages=c,f77
Thread model: single
gcc version 3.1

The only change I had to make to have the whole package compiled
was to lower G77_OPT to -O2 from the default Machine.g77 file.



Dr Tru Huynh          | | tel/fax +33 1 45 68 87 37/19
Institut Pasteur, 25-28 rue du Docteur Roux, 75724 Paris CEDEX 15 France  
Received on Mon Jun 10 2002 - 02:18:03 PDT
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