I have encountered a little problem with xLeap.
Currently I have Amber7 installed on a dual CPU Linux box and everything
works fine. I have just finished installing Amber7 on a single CPU Linux box
and xLeap will load and print out the following lines as usual.
Welcome to LEaP!
Sourcing leaprc: /usr/local/amber7_SMP/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc
Log file: ./leap.log
Loading parameters: /usr/local/amber7_SMP/dat/leap/parm/parm99.dat
Loading library: /usr/local/amber7_SMP/dat/leap/lib/all_nucleic94.lib
Loading library: /usr/local/amber7_SMP/dat/leap/lib/all_amino94.lib
Loading library: /usr/local/amber7_SMP/dat/leap/lib/all_aminoct94.lib
Loading library: /usr/local/amber7_SMP/dat/leap/lib/all_aminont94.lib
Loading library: /usr/local/amber7_SMP/dat/leap/lib/ions94.lib
Loading library: /usr/local/amber7_SMP/dat/leap/lib/solvents.lib
The problem is that the text is not visible. You can see the cursor flick
down the window as each line is printed to the screen. Everything else works
Both boxes are running Redhat 7.2.
Don Thomas
Received on Wed May 29 2002 - 21:42:04 PDT