re: parallel gibbs

From: Sophia Kondratova <>
Date: Mon 26 Nov 2001 15:54:00 -0400

Thanks for the responces.

I have gotten responces to my previous message that the MPI version of Gibbs
is not implemented, yet browsing through the previous messages of the AMBER
archive, I have found people mentioning implementing MPI version of gibbs, and
in bugfixes for an earlier versio of amber (4.1) (bugfix 60), there is a fix
for MPI_version of gibbs. I am a bit confused because I thought that gibbs was
implemented to run parallel(the MPI version).Is there going to be an
implimintation of MPI_gibbs in the near future?

Thanks in advance for any help

Sophia Kondratova
Received on Mon Nov 26 2001 - 11:54:00 PST
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