Re: movie for subset of atoms

From: Florian Barth <>
Date: Thu 30 Aug 2001 23:16:00 +0200

Hello Anton,

maybe I don't fully understand your problem. But with VMD you can
select and display any desired molecule/atom subset of a larger system using the graphics
menu. You can even create several subsets of molecules and/or
atoms and use a different gaphical representation or coloring method for
each. The manual at the VMD homepage describes how to create subsets
in detail:

Hope that helps


ABG> Dear Amber Users,

ABG> I would like to create a movie based on MD trajectory for only a
ABG> subset of atoms. Let say RES 1-5 and a couple of solvent molecules
ABG> out of system with 240 residues in a water box. The programs i used
ABG> so far let me do it only if I recreate the new topology (or .parm in case
ABG> of VMD) file and load it together with the new (modified) coordinate
ABG> stream.
ABG> Is there any way to do it without creating a new .top file?

ABG> Thanks a lot,

ABG> Anton
ABG> *******************************
ABG> * Anton B. Guliaev, Ph.D *
ABG> * Life Sciences Division *
ABG> _ * LBNL, Berkeley CA 94720 * _
ABG> / )* *( \
ABG> / / * F:(510)-486-6488 * \ \
ABG> _( (_ * T: 510-486-5773 * ) )_
ABG> (((\ \)**/ )*********************( \**(/ /)))
ABG> (\\\\ \_/ / \ \_/ ////)
ABG> \ / \ /
ABG> \ _/ \_ /
ABG> / / \ \
ABG> /___/ \___\


Florian Barth
Institute of Technical Biochemistry
University of Stuttgart
Allmandring 31
70569 Stuttgart
phone: +49-711-6857481
fax: +49-711-6853196
Received on Thu Aug 30 2001 - 14:16:00 PDT
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