summary: AMBER6 on IBMSP3

From: Xavier Deupi <>
Date: Fri 24 Aug 2001 00:04:19 -0700

Thanks to Sanjeev B.S. and David Case for their fast reply. Here you have
the original question and the kind answers...

>> The compilation proceeds perfectly, but at a certain point I'm told
>> that the file $AMBERHOME/src/Machines/sp3 has not been found...
>> obviously, because it's not there! Well, what's supposed to contain
>> this directory?

1.> The MACHINE file defines a system need to change the
> "sp3" above to "spx": this is supposed to be a system-specific
> directory that works for both sp2 and sp3 architectures.

2.> It is supposed to contain files specific for rs6000 processor based
> machines. Use: cp AMBERHOME/src/Machines/rs6000
> AMBERHOME/src/Machines/sp3

I used the first option, and it worked fine...

Thanks again


  Xavier Deupi
  Computational Medicine Lab
  Biostatistics Unit. School of Medicine
  Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. CATALUNYA (Spain)
  Phone : (3493)-581.23.48
Received on Fri Aug 24 2001 - 00:04:19 PDT
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