Dear AMBER users:
I have noticed that there have been a lot of messages posted recently
that have attachments listed as applications. Most of these messages have
very little explanation of what is contained in the attached file.
While for the most part, these attachments contain only straightforward
questions related to topics covered by the AMBER reflector, would it be
possible for the AMBER postees to write a short description in their email
message of what is contained in the attachment file? Would it also be
possible for them to write a short statement about the actual question
that they want to have answered on the reflector -- within the body of
their email message?
I am sorry to make a big issue out of this matter, but my institution has
requested that I do not open any attached files that do not have
sufficient documentation in the email message. Because I would hate to
have to miss out on reading your messages, I am asking if it is possible
to include more explanation regarding these attachments in the future.
Thank you for your assistance in advance!
Sincere thanks,
Anita Zvaigzne
Received on Tue Jul 24 2001 - 03:18:42 PDT